Our Services

You will be involved in every step of the construction process with Lions Gate Construction.

You have the option to bring us a property to build a custom home, or we can build a custom home for you.

Architecture, interior design, and landscape design are all part of our design work. Besides providing design concepts, we also handle every aspect of the building process, from initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control, and closing such as construction permits through demolition, finishing and inspection, until your custom-built home is handed over to you. 

Our process


A free initial consultation

The construction team at Lions Gate Construction offers a free initial consultation for discussing your specific project requirements, ideas, budget, and timeline. Furthermore, we explain our design process and address your questions and concerns. Creating a custom home should be a stress-free process, so we will coordinate designers and tradespeople so that your process runs smoothly.

In order to ensure that design costs will be covered, Lions Gate Construction takes a deposit before the design work starts.


Architects and designers

With our team of highly skilled designers or ones you provide, we will do everything we can to create a home that will satisfy your every needs and requirements. Our team evaluates all of your needs during your consultation – the lifestyle you desire, your family’s wants, your community, and, of course, your budget. We begin to realize the potential of our custom approach here. During the design process, we work closely with you to make sure the designs are accurate in every way.


Estimates and Agreements

We will provide construction quotes, tailoring the specs so that everything in your custom home is exactly how you would like it. Once you are satisfied with the look and design of your new home, we will provide construction costs. A timely guide will assist you in the contracting process. All throughout the building process, you will have access to our team.


City Plan and Approval

Once you have decided on the design we will handle all the contract documents, obtain all the necessary permits, and then submit the plans to your local authority. Rather than handling paperwork, you can devote your time to family life.


Interior design

The fun really starts here, where your new custom home starts to take form, as we move on to the interior design of your home. In addition to working closely with you, our interior design team explains everything you need to know from the interior colour selection to the finishes.


Finishing and After Care

We will provide construction quotes, tailoring the specs so that everything in your custom home is exactly how you would like it. Once you are satisfied with the look and design of your new home, we will provide construction costs. A timely guide will assist you in the contracting process. All throughout the building process, you will have access to our team.

Looking for a luxury custom home-builder in Metro Vancouver?

Contact us now for a free consultation.


You can manage and protect your investment with a home maintenance checklist that we create and follow.

This is a checklist for interior maintenance during the fall:

Keeping your exterior in good shape during fall:

Spring Maintenance Checklist: